How to install MiDE (kde1 forks) in 2025 (comming soon)
KDE or Kool Desktop Environment is a desktop environment on linux release first version in 1997 so now kde lastest version 5 or kde plasma(now there develope kde6) so now everyone who read this article think why i used kde1 on my Microsoft Surface Go 3 (My old laptop is Broken) ? so let me explain
Why I Used KDE1
here is the list why i used kde1
I Like 1990s Computer GUI like windows 98se or Mac OS Platinum (Mac os 9)
- KDE1 look more nostalgia than CDE or NsCDE (in my opinion)
I don't like windows 11 (i know i used tablet same company with s**ty os with build expensive new hardwre)
So next article is how to install kde1 on arch linux
How To install KDE1
I recommened to install this on arch linux because there is too easiest way to install and i found this tutorial from
so let begin
1. install arch linux on you pc with you usb or cd (i used archinstall and xorg made because i'm too lazy and KDE1 is X11 DE)
2 after install arch linux in pacman you should install pacman with git (to install yay) nano (to edit config or maybe you can used vim but i didn't test) sddm (well there don't have kde1 login manager so i decide use sddm and it's work) libxss glu (these 2 pacakage is very importal if you forgot instsll libxss or glu there have an error)
3. after install yay you should edit config on makeopkg.conf to disable werror you install qt1-git kde1-kdelibs-git and kde1-kdebase-git and wait utill finish
5. last one you should enable and start sddm on systemctl and finish i hope you enjoy KDE1 :)
discontinue of kde1 in arch linux and new fork of kde 1 in 2025
for bad news all kde1 on arch linux package is delete but good news in 2025 someone development kde1 fork on wayland that project is MiDE the project is develope after 9 years old on github if project is avaliable i will review that soon as posible